Houston vs Jaipur weather. Compare weather in Houston, Texas, United States and Jaipur, India side by side.

Data for Jaipur, India and Houston, Texas, United States were last updated on Fri, Jul 26 2024
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Summary of 8 day weather forecast:
Weather Statistic Jaipur, IndiaHouston, Texas, United StatesDifference
Average high temperature °C33312
Average low temperature °C27243
Average precipitation mm954
Average UV index1183
Average relative humidity %6164-3
Average wind speed km/h21156
Timezone difference: Jaipur, India is GMT 5.5; Houston, Texas, United States is GMT -5.0
Jaipur, India vs Houston, Texas, United States weather history 7 days and weather forecast 7 days
Jaipur, India weather
last 7 day weather history:
  • Fri, Jul 19 2024, Rain, moderate rain
  • Sat, Jul 20 2024, Rain, light rain
  • Sun, Jul 21 2024, Rain, light rain
  • Mon, Jul 22 2024, Rain, light rain
  • Tue, Jul 23 2024, Rain, moderate rain
  • Wed, Jul 24 2024, Rain, moderate rain
  • Thu, Jul 25 2024, Rain, moderate rain
7 day weather forecast:
  • Fri, Jul 26 2024, Rain, moderate rain
  • Sat, Jul 27 2024, Rain, moderate rain
  • Sun, Jul 28 2024, Rain, light rain
  • Mon, Jul 29 2024, Clouds, overcast clouds
  • Tue, Jul 30 2024, Rain, light rain
  • Wed, Jul 31 2024, Rain, moderate rain
  • Thu, Aug 01 2024, Rain, moderate rain
  • Fri, Aug 02 2024, Rain, light rain
Houston, Texas, United States weather
last 7 day weather history:
  • Fri, Jul 19 2024, Rain, moderate rain
  • Sat, Jul 20 2024, Rain, light rain
  • Sun, Jul 21 2024, Rain, light rain
  • Mon, Jul 22 2024, Rain, light rain
  • Tue, Jul 23 2024, Rain, moderate rain
  • Wed, Jul 24 2024, Rain, very heavy rain
  • Thu, Jul 25 2024, Rain, heavy intensity rain
7 day weather forecast:
  • Fri, Jul 26 2024, Rain, moderate rain
  • Sat, Jul 27 2024, Rain, moderate rain
  • Sun, Jul 28 2024, Rain, moderate rain
  • Mon, Jul 29 2024, Rain, light rain
  • Tue, Jul 30 2024, Clear, clear sky
  • Wed, Jul 31 2024, Clear, clear sky
  • Thu, Aug 01 2024, Clear, clear sky
  • Fri, Aug 02 2024, Clear, clear sky
Jaipur, India vs Houston, Texas, United States weather history and forecast statistics. Compare weather in Jaipur, India and Houston, Texas, United States side by side:
Jaipur, India vs Houston, Texas, United States temperature 7 days forecast
Jaipur, India next 7 days average high temperature is 33 Celsius
Jaipur, India next 7 days average low temperature is 27 Celsius
Houston, Texas, United States next 7 days average high temperature is 31 Celsius
Houston, Texas, United States next 7 days average low temperature is 24 Celsius
Jaipur, India next 7 days average high temperature is 2 Celsius higher than Houston, Texas, United States
Jaipur, India next 7 days average low temperature is 3 Celsius higher than Houston, Texas, United States
Jaipur, India vs Houston, Texas, United States rain 7 days forecast
Jaipur, India next 7 days average precipitation is 9 mm
Houston, Texas, United States next 7 days average precipitation is 5 mm
Jaipur, India next 7 days average precipitation is 4 mm higher than Houston, Texas, United States
Jaipur, India vs Houston, Texas, United States UV index 7 days forecast
Jaipur, India next 7 days average UVI is 11
Houston, Texas, United States next 7 days average UVI is 8
Jaipur, India next 7 days average UVI is 3 higher than Houston, Texas, United States
Jaipur, India vs Houston, Texas, United States humidity 7 days forecast
Jaipur, India next 7 days average humidity is 61 %
Houston, Texas, United States next 7 days average humidity is 64 %
Jaipur, India next 7 days average humidity is 3 % lower than Houston, Texas, United States
Jaipur, India vs Houston, Texas, United States wind speed 7 days forecast
Jaipur, India next 7 days average wind speed is 21 km/h
Houston, Texas, United States next 7 days average wind speed is 15 km/h
Jaipur, India next 7 days average wind speed is 6 km/h higher than Houston, Texas, United States

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