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    Weather comparison for Dubai, Las Vegas, London, Miami and more in one graph. Customize list of cities to compare recent weather history, weather forecast statistics including temperature, rain, snow, UV index, humidity and wind.

    Here's a comparison of the climate characteristics in Dubai, Las Vegas, London and Miami during the month of April: (last updated for April 2024)
      Dubai, UAE:
    • April in Dubai marks the transition from spring to summer. Average high temperatures range from 31°C to 35°C (88°F to 95°F), and average low temperatures are around 20°C to 24°C (68°F to 75°F).
    • The weather becomes warmer, and the humidity starts to increase. It's generally sunny with very little rainfall, making it ideal for outdoor activities.
      Las Vegas, US:
    • April in Las Vegas is springtime, with mild and pleasant temperatures. Average high temperatures range from 25°C to 29°C (77°F to 84°F), and average low temperatures are around 11°C to 15°C (52°F to 59°F).
    • It's a popular time to visit Las Vegas as the weather is comfortable for outdoor activities and sightseeing.
      London, UK:
    • April in London marks the arrival of spring. Average high temperatures range from 13°C to 15°C (55°F to 59°F), and average low temperatures are around 5°C to 7°C (41°F to 45°F).
    • The weather starts to warm up, and the city experiences longer daylight hours. While April can be relatively dry, occasional rain showers are still possible.
      Miami, US:
    • April in Miami is springtime, with warm and pleasant temperatures. Average high temperatures range from 28°C to 30°C (82°F to 86°F), and average low temperatures are around 20°C to 22°C (68°F to 72°F).
    • It's a fantastic time to visit Miami with plenty of sunshine and comfortable weather for beach days and outdoor activities.

    Make Weather Cool Again -©2024

    The Weatherdb helps users to find the perfect trip weather. It enables users to compare weather history and forecast data from two or more cities on the same graph. The source of data is from OpenWeatherMap. Database is updated daily. Data from this site is intended for reference purposes only. Please do consider additional sources before making life changing decisions.